

来自:本站 发布时间:2023-07-06 16:05:08 点击量:



2023 年 6 月,欧元区通胀率同比放缓至 5.5%。因此,欧洲通胀连续第二个月放缓。此前欧盟统计局的数据就证明了这一点。2023 年 5 月,该指标为 6.1%,4 月为 7%。

路透社调查的分析师平均预测经济增速将放缓至 5.6%。

与此同时,不包括能源和食品成本的年度核心通胀率从 5 月份的 5.3% 加速至 5.4%。能源价格下降 5.6%,而 2023 年 5 月下降 1.8%。

通货膨胀率最低的是卢森堡(1%)、比利时(1.6%)和西班牙(1.6%),最高的是斯洛伐克(11.3%)和爱沙尼亚(9%)。德国为 6.8%,法国为 5.3%,意大利为 6.7%。

正如 GMK 中心早些时候报道的那样,欧元区2023 年 5 月的通胀率从 2023 年 4 月的 7% 放缓至 6.1%。同时,不包括能源和食品成本的年度核心通胀率放缓至 5.3% 。

2023年第一季度,欧元区GDP环比增长0.1%。2023年1月至3月欧盟经济环比增长0.3%。按年计算,欧元区和欧盟GDP增长1.3%。法国和意大利已从 2022 年最后几个月的负面指标中恢复过来。与此同时,德国经济正在放缓。


Experts expected a more moderate easing – to 5.6%

Inflation in the Eurozone slowed down to 5.5% y/y in June 2023. Thus, inflation in Europe is slowing down for the second month in a row. This is evidenced by the previous Eurostat’s data. In May 2023, this indicator was 6.1%, and in April – 7%.

Analysts polled by Reuters on average predicted a more moderate slowdown – to 5.6%.

Meanwhile, annual core inflation, which excludes energy and food costs, accelerated to 5.4% from 5.3% in May. Energy prices decreased by 5.6% compared to a decrease of 1.8% in May 2023.

The lowest inflation rates were recorded in Luxembourg (1%), Belgium (1.6%) and Spain (1.6%), the highest – in Slovakia (11.3%) and Estonia (9%). In Germany it was 6.8%, in France – 5.3%, in Italy – 6.7%.

As GMK Center reported earlier, the rates of inflation in the eurozone in May 2023, slowed down to 6.1% compared to 7% in April 2023. At the same time, annual core inflation, which excludes energy and food costs, slowed to 5.3%.

In the first quarter of 2023, the GDP of the Eurozone increased by 0.1% q/q. The economy of the European Union in January-March 2023 grew by 0.3% q/q. In annual terms, the GDP of the Eurozone and the EU grew by 1.3%. France and Italy recovered from the negative indicators recorded in the last months of 2022. At the same time, the German economy is slowing down.

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